Understanding SJC's Finances
Since 1879, SJC operates with grant-in-aids from the HK government, and thus is called a Grant School. It is indeed now the oldest existing Grant School in Hong Kong. Under the scheme, SJC is being paid a certain amount merely according to the number of student intakes, and thus by nature the same amount of resources as with any other school out there supported by the government, regardless of their banding and history. One can thus clearly sees that it has been purely the dedication of our Brothers, teachers and students that kept St. Joseph’s at the level among the best and brightest in Hong Kong so far, with most of the others now clearly having an edge over us with more flexible and available resources and funding options going forward.
Certainly SJC will not disappear overnight without extra fundings, just that we may turn into a very normal school overtime and eventually have to worry about attracting enough students to keep ourselves alive, as seen at numerous government subsidised schools these days.