SJC 140th Anniversary Endowment Fund Donors' Hall of Honour
The Principal's Circle#1
Class of 1991
Class of 1966
Chan Lip Kin Johnny '91
1875 Society#1
Dr. Tsao Yen Chow ‘51
Denis Cheung ‘64
Tse Anthony '66
Martin Hong '67
Kam Chi Sing, Gary ‘70
Cheung Ka Sing, Cassian '72
Sum Siu Wah, Manuel ‘72
Hercules Fu On Au-Yeung '74
Joseph Kam ’74
Wong Wing Tak, Eric ‘74
Anthony Yeung ‘76
Hui Yau '76
Joseph Yau '76
Lau Kin Yip ‘76
Tsang Hing Wai Stephen '76
Tsui Yiu Leung William '80
Luk Chi Chung Peter '81
Cheng Lap Yin '82
Johann Wong '84
Leung Kam Fai '84
Amos Lo '86
Class of 1986
Chan Lip Kiong '88
Lee Ho Wing '89
Louis Poon '90
Tse Yiu Tung '90
Doo William Jr. '91
Ip Shing Fai David '91
Lam Sai Wai Alain '91
Yeung Chung Kit Jack '91
Yip Shui Lun, Dickson ‘94
Shun Chun Chung '95
Alfred Choi '97
Eugene Yeung Yui Chi '99
Benjamin Tse '00
The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Young Josephian Circle#1
Alvin Au Yeung ’96
Eugene Yu Ching Wong '97
Chan Jun Yu '98
William Chi Yeung Wong '99
Brian Wong '03
Matthew Chau '07
Agabeg Fellows#1
Anthony Ho ’86
Daniel Jim '86
The Trustees’ Circle (HK$ 5 mil or above)
The Principal’s Circle (HK$ 1 mil or above)
1875 Society (HK$ 100k or above / HK$ 1875 or above monthly over 5 years)
Young Josephian Circle (Class of ’96 and after, HK$ 18k or above / HK$ 300 or above monthly over 5 years)
Agabeg Fellow (Old boys committed to gift through their wills - Suggested Bequest Language)
Each tier of recognition will have their own annual gathering with representatives from the school as well as the Foundation to review the progress and execution of the Endowment Fund.
Your donations to the Foundation are all tax-deductible (SJC Foundation Charitable Institute document or HK Gov Info).